Section 1: Device Settings Tip 1: Free Unnecessary Storage space. Here is the ultimate in-depth guide to fixing lag in free fire. So that was the short answer version of the guide. 17) Toggle Airplane mode on/off to refresh the network.13) Disable voice chat when not required.10) Install Garena Free On Internal Memory Not SDCARD Free fire Game settings to fix the lag issue.8) Enable overclock mode and MIUI optimization for Mi Users.3) Enable 4xMSAA and change animation and transition settings to 0.5.20 Easy Settings To Fix Lag in Garena Free Fire Device Settings to fix lag The Third Section deals with Free Fire ping issues. Second part deals with Free Fire Graphics settings. The first part deals with the android device settings to fix the lag in the free fire. There are three parts to the ultimate guide. If you haven’t already downloaded Free fire you can click the button below: So to help my fellow free fire gamers fix their lag issues here is the ultimate guide to Fix the lag Garena free fire. Tags: #ldplayer #androidemulator #ldplayerlagfix#lDplayercrashes fix.Almost all online games like free fire have more lag issues.The lag will significantly decrease and in 95% of the time you will play lag free! Various settings shown in the video tell you how to change LD Player's, the game's you are playing and your computer's settings the way it fits low end pc's.

It gives you the opportunity to play them in a bigger screen than your phone! That gives you a lot of advantages like faster movement, faster reaction time, wider look range and more! This video is a tutorial on how to get LD Player's best performance available, mostly in low end pc's that suffer from lag, which is pretty annoying. It's one of the best android emulator in PC that can be used for various games, mostly games like Free Fire, PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile. LDPlayer has a solid Android emulation system, providing comprehensive features to fulfill most tasks you require from an Android device.

Hi,guys in this video i am going to show you how to boost your ld player and speed up your lD player to fix lag ,game crashes ,game shutter ,and all types of problems.to get rid of lag in LD Player.