This is a Jason Statham movie but a strong supporting cast of Franco and Zito steal the show as both small time and big time antagonists. This movie has some exceptional fight scenes, explosions, and very intense show down between Franco and Statham that was actually pretty surprising and satisfying. Frank Zito, who in my opinion is very under rated both as a character actor and villain in this case, steals the opening sequence as motorcycle gang leader bent on revenge. There is a back story in the beginning and some actual character development dealing with Statham's former life and an undercover cop.

When she fails at intimidating him by having her husband try to assault him in the school parking lot-a one-two takedown by Statham, she enlists the help of local meth kingpin brother, James Franco. Next we meet his mother, a very loud, unrecognizable Kate Bosworth who disrespects both daughter and Statham.